A Blog For Motivational Days

A Blog For Motivational Days

Welcome to A Blog For Days second edition newsletter ‘A Blog For Motivational Days.’ This month’s edition is all about what to do when you need that little pick me up. Realising the importance of the little things that bring joy to your daily routine, being kinder to yourself in setting new years resolutions, creating positive work environment’s and motivation to start curating your winter capsule wardrobe. We also have an exciting feature by For Loving You’s founder, Natalie and, at the end of the newsletter, an insight into brand new gym brand ‘VEO’.

Happy Reading!

The Power Of SimpliciTEA:

By Sahira Dharamshi

Relaxation has become increasingly important to me over the years. I used to think I was invincible and being young meant I couldn’t burn out. However, quite quickly I learned my lesson the hard way (several times!). As a result, I now place great emphasis on taking the time to unwind and appreciate how the simplicity of certain acts can hold a lot of power with numerous benefits. 

A Simple Cup Of Tea:

A staple in my night-time routine is ending the day with a cup of warm goodness. The simple act of making and drinking a cup of tea has become somewhat therapeutic to me. With each sip a sense of comfort follows and whilst my problems aren’t drowned out by the delightful beverage it presses pause on my mind from stressing about them for a brief moment. 

As I place great importance on my evening tea I am always on the lookout for the best blends. Recently, BRW Society has been on my radar and as an avid coffee and tea drinker I felt like a kid in a candy store when viewing their array of products. Overwhelmed by the assortment of coffees and teas I reached out to the company for guidance on selecting their best relaxation ones. The two recommendations I was provided with were: sundowners and yoga tea which both immediately went into my basket along with the Hazelnut coffee bags. 

The Sundowners Tea tastes like sunset in a cup. It has a delightful blend of organic ingredients such as lemon verbena, chamomile, lemongrass and many more coming together to form a symphony of flavours warming your insides with each sip. As a result, making you feel nice and cosy as night dawns ready to get into bed for a deep slumber. My mother can confirm its use helping one sleep as it’s now regular in her night-time routine as well. 

The Yoga Tea is a combination of cinnamon and zesty ginger pieces along with cardamom, cloves and black pepper. All the spices used to make this tea are great additives in one’s wellness regime making for a lovely brew to have in the evening or even after a Yoga/Pilates workout. Not only are you treating your mind using it as a relaxation aid but also your body with the benefits of their ingredients.

When I saw BRW’s coffee bags I couldn’t resist adding their Hazelnut ones into the basket. The Arabica coffee beans are bursting with flavour complemented beautifully by the subtle Hazelnut taste making for a lovely way to start your day!

Such simple acts can have a great impact allowing your mind to focus on something different for a few moments. I tend to enjoy my cup of tea at night as I find it helps to relax me prior to bed however, no matter the time of the day you’ll always get joy out of a cup!

To shop any of BRW’s products visit brwsociety.com

Such simple acts can have a great impact allowing your mind to focus on something different for a few moments.

New Year, Same Me: Setting Achievable New Year’s “Intentions”

 By Molly Arabella Kirk

A fresh start. Sound tempting?

 Let’s face it, there’s nothing more electrifying and hopeful than a fresh start, the tantalising temptation accompanying a new chapter in your life – An unopened novel, unblemished by prying fingertips, the snowy expanses of the first page of your new journal, an unfurnished studio apartment that you can’t wait to arrange based off your “Future Home” Pinterest board, unscrewing untouched lipstick still exhibiting its perfect slant in your favourite red shades. Following the same throng of thinking, nothing can possibly be more exciting than the unchartered potential of a whole new year. So, we set our new year’s resolutions, telling ourselves that this year we will do better, read more, actually start going to the gym, apply for more jobs, see our friends more or simply stop being a mess and pull ourselves together (my goal this year).

 Born from this blank slate mindset, this sense that anything is possible, is the sentiment of “new year, new me.” A harmful approach whereby each year you expect to become a new person and underpinning this expectation is the unyielding pressure of unattainable new year’s resolutions. As someone who had a turbulent year last year to say the least, having struggled with my mental health, academic and career stresses, relationship issues and the sharp growing pains that go hand-in-hand with leaving university, the idea of utter transformation, although tempting, feels disloyal to the steady progress and growth I have already made along the way. Despite the moments last year where I could be found sobbing messily into my pillow late at night, smudged mascara running down my cheeks, drowning in an unpredictable ocean of anxiety where each tidal wave smashed me back onto a shore of uncertainty, stress and self-loathing, I still survived it, and that in itself is something worth celebrating.

 In other words, you don’t NEED a new you (what’s wrong with the old you?). The idea that you need discarding and replacing with a newer, shinier model yearly because the last version of you made mistakes or felt bad is not only harmful but counterintuitive. We as humans are changing constantly, metamorphosising into our next phases due to our experiences and mistakes – such is the beauty of life. Every year you remain the same charmingly flawed human being and instead of trying to move away from yourself to find someone else, you should be backtracking and meeting yourself halfway. Be kind to yourself and do the work. The focus this year and every year should be on learning, evolving, improving and growing so that next year you can look back and feel proud of how far you’ve come, instead of fixating on your short comings and becoming someone else.

 For these reasons, according to an article written by Jennifer Li, it is better and healthier to set New Year’s “intentions” rather than resolutions and this idea has resounded with me. After all, when setting new year’s resolutions the intention behind each goal and the journey to achieving it is what truly matters, not the end destination. Read below for some areas to consider when setting your own “intentions” and moving forward throughout the New Year. 

1.     Slow and steady wins the race

Setting attainable goals, helps preserve motivation and helps prevent the harmful new year’s burn out that so often happens come March, after you’ve sprinted at the starting line to meet your resolutions and burnt out after the first lap around the pitch. For this reason, according to Jay Van Bavel, of the 80% that set new year’s resolutions only 8% actually complete them.

 Following this golden thread of thinking, after new year’s I met up with a close friend, we were both discussing our Goodreads goals for the year and born from this conversation came the realisation that setting yourself LESS actually makes you achieve MORE. I.e., instead of setting yourself the goal of reading 10 books, which you will inevitably struggle to juggle alongside your other commitments and outside influences, you should set yourself the task of reading 5. This way not only does the intention alleviate the self-inflicted pressure – preventing reading from feeling like a check box or a chore -  but you may surprise yourself by reading more books than your goal!

 Taking it slow and steady will allow you celebrate your small wins and encourages self-motivation as even reading one book is closer to five than 10.

 2.     Inside, outside

According to a study completed by Robert A. Emmons, participants who wrote down every day what they were grateful for exercised more, were more energetic and reported less bodily pain. He also discovered that gratitude correlates with increased happiness and reduced depression in participants. Likewise, several studies including Chambers et al’s in 2008 and Hoffman et al’s in 2010 discovered that mindfulness reduces stress and rumination.

 Something I realised last year was just how easy it is to get overburdened with the inescapable vortex that is pessimistic nagging thoughts and self-doubt. To pull myself out of the downwards spiral I started listing what I am grateful for in my head and meditating before bed, unsurprisingly it all really helped! For every negative whisper in the dark recesses of my mind I could counter them with the positive flip side of the coin. For this reason, although it is tempting to set yourself a new year’s glow up externally, perhaps when setting a new year’s intention it should be focused on glowing up internally too. For example, attending that mindfulness workshop you were considering, starting yoga, taking a digital detox, lighting that new candle, starting to journal (as my friend is always encouraging me to start doing) or even simply setting yourself the new year’s intention of practicing gratitude. These types of new year’s intentions allow for growth inside which in turn moves outside, leaving us overall more happy and motivated.

 3.     The 1:2 ratio

 According to wellness editor and health coach Josie Santi, setting the wrong intentions that we feel we should do more than we want to do is the reason so many new year’s resolutions fail. Although achievements in our academic/work lives give us an instant rush of the celebratory endorphins we associate with happiness, leading us to setting more work-related goals, in reality reaching these goals won’t make you happy. Only you can make you happy, not your career or academic achievements (although they most certainly help).

 To alleviate this cognitive dissonance, for every intention set in relation to your career and academics, set two mini intentions that focus on self-growth and developing your passions/hobbies. Trust me. I speak from experience when I say that new year’s intentions that surround your job/academics often lead to procrastination or intense internal pressure that makes you question what’s the point?

 4.     Make a list

 What do you look forward to this year? Why will this be your year? Write it all down! Write down all your big events in your calendar, note your days out as they happen, make plans, book that trip and keep it all documented in your notes app, in your calendar, or in your journal! People should always have something to look forward too – knowing that I have a holiday planned or a trip back to the UK is the only reason I get out of bed and go to work every day at 7am so write it all down and make a list! Focus on the positives of this year early on, so when the rollercoaster that is life inevitably hits the sharp downhill decline, you know you’ve got another incline straight afterwards!

 Read more of my work on A Blog For Days!

 In other words, you don’t NEED a new you (what’s wrong with the old you?). 

Decorate Your Workspace:

By Sahira Dharamshi

As the new year begins I’m sure many of us have a list of projects we’d like to delve into. With the new year comes the idea of a clean slate we can’t wait to colourfully decorate with our array of new ideas. However in order to achieve them a positive work environment is required. Something that makes you excited to sit at your desk and tick off the long to do list. Something that makes the early mornings and late nights bearable. Something that makes getting through the mundane tasks doable. 

At times I find myself sat at my desk with my head in my hands overwhelmed by various tasks. After a period of doing anything I can to avoid eye contact with my screen what can be nice is catching a glimpse of little decorations dotted around that make me smile. Whether it’s a painting, a quote with a positive message or even a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that little positivity sparked from looking at these items can, at times, be enough to push me to carry on with the tasks at hand. 

I know it may seem small but it’s so simple to do and why not test out the impacts of decorating your workspace for yourself? 

To get a kickstart on what to collate for your Pinterest board of workspace decorations here are a few ways I spruce up my space: 


“I can buy myself flowers” Miley Cyrus said it best! A colourful addition to one’s work environment has a plethora of benefits. Apart from the fresh scent of various florals wafting through the air adding a spring feeling regardless of the time of year, the impact on your mood could be great. This can be explained by colour psychology. 

Colour psychology shows bright colours such as red, yellow etc. can help boost one’s mood whilst subdued colours such as purple and blue can evoke calmness in individuals. Thus, depending on what you feel you need energy or tranquility, get some decorative objects to help.

Add a pop of colour to brighten your day or help calm your mind, Lublu Flowers have gorgeous bouquets to do just this! 

Keep scrolling to have a look at the images they sent over…

Decorative Objects:

Personally I also adore having objects with motivational phrases on them in my workspace. During those moments where I’m sat overwhelmed and overthinking about work or just life in general embarking on that trip down the rabbit hole of ‘what if’s’, catching sight of a motivational quote can be enough to cut the rabbit hole journey short. A few months ago I discovered @homebird_makes brand and have become quickly obsessed with her beautiful products. Sometimes we all need that little reminder saying we’ve got this when things look a little bleak.

Image courtesy of Instagram: @homebird_makes

Image courtesy of Instagram: @homebird_makes

I also find these sort of products very useful when the warm embrace of the sofa beckons, its call getting louder and clearer and before I know it I’m wrapped up in a cosy blanket with a TV show on thinking “oh I’ll just get to the rest of my list tomorrow”. Tomorrow rolls around, the same thing happens and then suddenly I feel drained because clearly two things are happening. 1) My to-do list is not accomplishable in a day and I’m now beating myself up about not getting things done. 2) The stress of thinking about what needs to be accomplished is overtaking my ability to sit down and do it. A vicious cycle. 

Since I noticed this trend, I started shortening my lists, making them realistic, and taking the time to create a peaceful environment. Now, I actually get through my tasks and enjoy the little things that make my work environment productive. Maybe it’s setting down that large cup of coffee in your favourite mug/thermos, lighting those aromatherapy candles, having an aesthetic notebook that makes taking notes fun or even a little poster with a quote that makes you smile. (@burntpeach.design has some gorgeous ones, ideal for providing you with that little pick me up when the lull begins)

Image Courtesy of Instagram:@burntpeach.design 

Image Courtesy of Instagram:@burntpeach.design 

Don’t get me wrong there are definitely days when the call of the sofa drowns out the call of tasks to do and the evening is whiled away watching Gilmore Girls for the 100th time but we all deserve some downtime and to cut ourselves some slack!

So, get decorating!

I know it may seem small but it’s so simple to do and why not test out the impacts of decorating your workspace for yourself? 

Your Winter Capsule Wardrobe Checklist

By Yasaman Ayati

The Ultimate Guide: Building Your Winter Capsule Wardrobe

First: Are capsule wardrobes seasonal?

Yes. In the realm of timeless fashion, certain pieces transcend seasonal shifts with their inherent chic appeal—a classic white T-shirt, a versatile skirt, or your favourite pair of jeans. However, the winter months invite a transformation, encouraging us to embrace the art of layering and gravitate towards heavier garments, such as cosy jumpers, chunky scarves, and stylish boots. When curating your capsule wardrobe the key is to strategically invest in foundational pieces, for example investing in a tailored coat. By doing this you’ve ensured its durability and longevity against the winter and provided yourself with elegance for years to come.

To curate the perfect winter wardrobe that is both minimal and chic, here are 6 easy things to consider:

  1. When keeping warm this winter the choice between a tailored winter coat and a black puffer becomes a matter of personal preference. The timeless elegance of a well-fitted coat undoubtedly elevates any ensemble, adding a touch of chic sophistication. However, for those frosty days, the practicality of a black puffer cannot be overstated, offering both warmth and ease of care. Pairing it with a vibrant chunky scarf creates a striking contrast, infusing playfulness into the ensemble.

  2. The foundation of this seasonal collection lies in a selection of neutral knitwear—starting with easy versatile shades such as grey, beige, and black, then introducing navy blue or forest green for added variety. The strategic use of neutral tones ensures seamless integration with any outfit, allowing accessories to take centre stage, and giving you a cohesive and polished look.

  3. When considering jeans, wide-leg jeans provide ample room for layering, while bootcut jeans offer a more accentuated silhouette. Complementing these choices are knee-high boots, either flat or heeled, delivering the perfect combination of warmth and style. These versatile boots effortlessly pair with skirts or jeans, making them a winter wardrobe essential as well.

  4. A chunky scarf! Such a playful accessory offering an opportunity to infuse colour and patterns into the outfit. Against a neutral backdrop, consider introducing a dark blue or crimson red scarf to add character and visual dimension, giving a sense of individuality to the overall look.

  5. When it comes to accessories, elevate your winter style with hoop earrings, particularly suitable for occasions when a chic updo complements the outfit. These earrings add a touch of sophistication to the overall look, harmonizing effortlessly with a statement coat and chunky scarf.

  6. No winter wardrobe is complete without a versatile handbag, and the black leather shoulder bag or shopper bag emerges as the epitome of both chic style and practicality. A year-round companion, this accessory effortlessly complements any outfit, rounding off the perfect winter ensemble with flair and functionality.

Remember, capsule wardrobes are thoughtful and meticulously curated pieces that optimise your wardrobe’s versatility. The pieces are designed to be both interchangeable and seamless to provide a foundation for your outfit. However, the true element of a capsule wardrobe is its ability to invite accessories and fun colour palettes, this is what transforms a functional outfit to a ‘wow’ outfit. When considering your capsule wardrobe, remember it is about maximising your clothing options, whilst being able to showcase your personal style through fun and unique pieces. 

When chatting with the owner of For Loving You (FLY) a Dubai-based fashion brand that’s all about body confidence, size inclusivity and empowering women through fashion. Her take on capsule wardrobe perfectly describes what we’re trying to achieve: “Creating a capsule wardrobe isn’t just about clothes; it’s a lifestyle that says, “Hey world, I got this.” It’s about making mindful choices, keeping it simple, and making your day-to-day life a little easier!” – Natalie. For those of us having a warmer winter, Natalie takes us through her essentials for a capsule wardrobe (and her take is fabulous!). 

A Professionals Guide To Curating Your Capsule Wardrobe:

By For Loving You’s founder Natalie

Hey there! It’s so lovely to be here in this space. I’m Natalie, the owner and founder of For Loving You (FLY) a Dubai-based fashion brand that’s all about body confidence, size inclusivity and empowering women through fashion. 

Today, I’m here to chat about the magic of a capsule wardrobe – basically, your style BFF that keeps things easy, breezy, and always on point. No more stressing about what to wear – just pure fashion fun! So, what’s the deal with a capsule wardrobe? It’s all about curating a collection of clothes that play well together, giving you endless outfit combos without the closet chaos. Now, let’s talk about the MVPs – those staple pieces that make your life a whole lot simpler.

First up, the classic white shirt. It’s like a fashion blank canvas. Pair it with jeans, leggings, or a fabulous skirt – the world is your runway. Speaking of skirts, at FLY we have designed the PERFECT wrap skirt. Made from only the finest fabrics, our Emily Wrap Skirt is available in a range of different colours. Style it up or dress it down – it’s the perfect piece for any capsule wardrobe and with our range of colours, you’ll be sure to find something that matches your unique colour palette.

Click here to brows the wrap skirt range!

Every girl needs that killer black dress! Seriously, it’s the chameleon of fashion. Day or night, add some jewellery and heels or keep it chill. We personally adore our Amelia Wrap Dress! It’s available in black amongst a range of other colours and is specially designed to ensure a flattering fit for women of all shapes. The adjustable wrap means you can find comfort and style all from one piece!

Click here to shop the wrap dresses range!

Now, let’s talk business with the blazer. Pop it over a tee for a casual boss babe look or throw it on a dress for instant glam – versatility at its finest. Keep it with you for when you’re ducking in and out of the AC. It can instantly uplift an outfit from boring to chic.

And shoes, oh, shoes! Sneakers for those “I’m cool and comfy” days, cute flats for when you’re feeling low-key, and heels for that extra bit of sass. Three pairs, endless possibilities – ensure the colours you choose are aligned to your chosen colour palette so they can be paired with more than one outfit from your capsule wardrobe.

Creating a capsule wardrobe isn’t just about clothes; it’s a lifestyle that says, “Hey world, I got this.” It’s about making mindful choices, keeping it simple, and making your day-to-day life a little easier! 

You can browse and shop all our looks at www.forlovingyou.com or check out our socials and join our community – Facebook and Instagram: @shopforlovingyou

I hope you find this helpful!


No more stressing about what to wear – just pure fashion fun!

Natalie - FLY’s Founder

VEO; The Place To Go

By Sahira Dharamshi

In line with this month’s theme of motivation here’s an article about a new wellness space that needs to be on your radar called VEO. 

It’s important to take care of ourselves and our minds. To find that time in our days where we can work out any stresses or reenergise ourselves when we’re lacking a bit of motivation. However, similarly to requiring a peaceful environment to be able to work in, having a fun and exciting space to go to work out also helps provide that incentive to actually get there!

 Many times, I wake up and say I’m going to make it to the gym today and suddenly the afternoon lull hits, and I lack the motivation to actually see it through. Recently I have started changing into my workout clothes as soon as I’m awake to act as a reminder every hour of the day that was my plan. However, if I have plans or at work where it’s not exactly possible to go around in sports clothes it’s beneficial to have a place to look forward to going to. Maybe you enjoy it because they serve the best post workout matcha, or you have figured out the magic hours where the machines you want to use are always free. Well, soon there’ll be a new wellness spot to be added to your list.

 All About VEO:

 In April, Emaar Hospitality Group will be launching their very own lifestyle gym brand called VEO. VEO will be a haven for those interested in all things wellness and fitness related – it’ll also be the ideal spot to get you started on achieving your wellness and fitness goals.

 Naturally, this will not be your regular gym but a place to build a strong sense of community and personalise your fitness journey. A place to strengthen both your physical and mental wellness with top quality equipment, amenities and guidance from professional coaches. At VEO members will be able to select from an array of fitness classes from yoga to CrossFit and sounds healing providing something for everyone.

 A space that’ll provide an extra jump in your step to face the day ahead or a place you’ll be looking forward to seeking refuge in for a few hours to unwind at the end of a long day.

 To learn more visit VEO’s website or their Instagram to keep up to date.

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It’s important to take care of ourselves and our minds.

Second Edition Of A Blog For Days